Frequently Asked Questions

No, matured AgTech enterprises can also apply

Yes, however the lead partner needs to be mentioned in the application form

Yes, applicants would be allowed to apply to address multiple problem statements. The prize money has two parts to it: a) Set-up support (from Start-up Odisha) which is at the organisation level and hence won’t be multiplied, and b) Pilot Grant which is to conduct a pilot for each selected winner and hence will be multiplied.

The applicants will be evaluated on six parameters:

  1. Value creation
  2. Use of data
  3. Ease/ feasibility of use
  4. Scalability
  5. Innovation
  6. Sustainability and cost effectiveness

Please refer to the Challenge Timeline available on the ‘Application Information’ page here.

For more information on the MAAS-O project, please visit our ‘About the Challenge’ page here.

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Please reach out for any queries